Other non-residential buildings

Other non-residential buildings include nurseries and kindergartens, school buildings, college/university buildings, research institutes, museums, theatres, opera houses, libraries, congress centres, churches and other religious buildings, medical treatment institutes, buildings for therapeutic baths or healthcare, sports buildings as well as recreation and community centres (Destatis 2014).

Examples of other non-domestic buildings are nurseries, kindergartens, crèches, schools, vocational colleges, lecture halls, seminar buildings, laboratories, galleries, libraries, chapels, medical practices, sports and multi-purpose halls, swimming pools or clubhouses.

Floor areas


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Building material

Material composition indicators (t)

IDBuilding material groupTotalFoundationExterior wallInterior wallCeilingRoof

Raw material categories (t)

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Mineral raw material categories


Waste categories (t)

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Mineral waste categories


Material-induced emissions (kg)

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