At the IOER, the overheating risk in buildings and the effectiveness of adaptation measures to reduce this risk are analysed primarily by means of thermal, dynamic building simulations. For the building simulations, the building under investigation is transferred into a three-dimensional simulation model that, in addition to the physical properties of the walls and ceilings, also takes into account schedules for the use of the rooms and the heat loads released as a result (appliances, lighting, presence of people) as well as the effect of window ventilation. In addition to these parameters, the meteorological weather or climate data set (in hourly resolution) is decisive in determining how strong the overheating intensity is in the building.
The quality of the simulation models and their results are checked by means of indoor climate measurements (LINK IN). This involves checking whether the measured indoor temperature curve corresponds to the simulated one (see Schünemann et al. 2021). Within the joint projects HeatResilientCity and Klimakonform, three apartment buildings, a school, a kindergarten and administrative buildings (see figures) were examined in this way for their indoor overheating risk.
The approach of building typology (e.g. Schinke et al. 2012) is used here to obtain transferable statements regarding the heat load of buildings of the same typology (e.g. Gründerzeit buildings, prefabricated buildings, high-rise buildings) from individual simulated reference buildings.
Significant studies by the IOER on overheating risk in buildings are based on building simulations:
Further German Language Literature:
Schiela, David; Schünemann, Christoph: Strategien gegen die Überhitzung, In: Gebäude-Energieberater (2020) 5, S. 20-23
Westermann, Janneke R.; Bolsius, Jens; Kunze, Stefanie et al.: Hitzeanpassung von Stadtquartieren. Akteursperspektiven und Umsetzungsansätze, In: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 30 (2021) 4, S.257-267